The Pearl Alley Jam is an independent, volunteer led, and sustainable block party welcoming all walks of life to discover the vibrancy and creative culture of the area while supporting public art projects in the University District.
brought to you by:
get all the details
get all the details

trash to treasure muralists
Gabriella Stauffer
Gabriella Stauffer is a midwestern cartoonist and animator. She enjoys exploring her own life through autobiographical comics and inclusive storytelling strategies. She is currently pursuing a BFA from The Ohio State University and loves her job at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum.
Jennifer Morley
Jennifer Morley is a multimedia visual artist born and raised in Columbus Ohio. She takes inspiration from her synesthesia (a neurological entanglement of the senses) and creates abstract works illustrating the interconnectedness of light, color, sound, shape, and movement in space. She creates musically inspired paintings under the brand name Audio Acrylics and is a current creative resident in #10, Chromedge Studios in the Franklinton Arts District.
Mack Mackin
I’m Mack, a professional artist based in Columbus, Ohio with a passion for nature, self-reflection and celebrating the community. Much of my work portrays colorful abstract figures remembering things they didn’t know they’d forgotten. I’m honored to work with the University District and the Pearl Jam and make something beautiful for my hometown!
Sabrina Garcia-Santos
I am a multifaceted artist, wife, and mother of Columbus, Ohio. I quit my job at Amazon to work as an artist full-time. Now I’ve spend every day creating everything from jewelry, furniture to murals.

performing artists

Tollcross Lane

Tollcross Lane

Straw & The Scarecrow

Straw & The Scarecrow




Rockstar Tony

People in the Daytime

People in the Daytime

People in the Daytime






Aaron Ramone

Aaron Ramone

Dire Wolf

Dairy Family

Dairy Family

Dairy Family


our sponsors
Pearl Partner
Alley Jam Supporter
Local Enthusiast