community organizations
Learn how to get involved with the local civic groups, zoning issues, or how to get a certificate of appropriateness.
These community organizations are deeply rooted into the fabric of the University District. They continue to lead the grassroots efforts for and by residents of the district
The University Area Commission (UAC) was established by Columbus City Council in 1972. According to Columbus City Code, Area Commissions afford additional voluntary citizen participation in decision-making in an advisory capacity and to facilitate communication, understanding, and cooperation between neighborhood groups, city officials, and developers.
The boundaries of the University Area are, starting at the Glen Echo Ravine and the Olentangy River, proceeding east along Glen Echo Ravine to the Penn Central Railroad, south on the Penn Central Railroad tracks to Fifth Avenue, west on Fifth Avenue to the Olentangy River, and north along Olentangy River to the Glen Echo ravine. The University Area is divided into four districts, each represented by three Commission members. See the district map page for details.
Standing committees of the UAC work on the areas of zoning, code enforcement, planning, communications, health/safety, and governance of the commission. The UAC also serves as a public forum for the discussion of community issues.
Visit the area commission webpage for more details: http://universityarea.org/
University Community Association
The University Community Association (UCA) is the oldest civic organization in the University District and one of the oldest in the City of Columbus. It is a voluntary membership organization that meets quarterly. Most of the business is transacted by an executive committee which meets monthly on the second Wednesday at the Northwood-High Building, Room 100. Meetings are open to the public.
Over the past 30 years, the UCA has sponsored many projects such as getting improved street lighting for the east of campus area, developing Tuttle Park with trails and a swimming pool in the area. The UCA sponsors a quarterly breakfast where neighbors can socialize and get to know about the latest initiatives in the area. It also holds the annual Ice Cream Social in August where it recognizes a community individual who has done significant work to improve the University District with giving of the Oscar Award. A quarterly newsletter is also mailed out to area residents.
University Impact
District Review Board
The University Impact District Review Board (formally called the University Area Review Board) was established in 1992 under City Code section 3372.580 to preserve, protect and enhance the urban environment and neighborhood characteristics of the University Area and specifically discharge these duties within the University Impact District (UID - see map in Additional Resources).
The UIDRB is charged: To hear, decide, and take action on all applications for a certificate of zoning clearance and applicable permits or registrations, and when appropriate, issue a certificate of approval thereon; To review applications for a zoning change, variance, or special permit that may cause a stated guideline to apply and to forward comments to the appropriate decision-making body. UIDRB members serve without compensation and are appointed by the mayor with the approval of council. The University Impact District contains 2,310 tax parcels.
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