room 100 Room 100 is a meeting space available for University District neighborhood civic associations and office tenants of the Northwood-High Building.New reservation policies are in place after January 1, 2020. Please refer to the updated terms.Room 100 is open for reservations. Before completing and submitting the electronic form below, please consult the Room 100 Calendar for availability and read the section below describing when Room 100 is available. If you would prefer, you can download and print an application to submit with your check. Please also refer to this document for the Room 100 User Agreement.User fees can be paid online through this link: Room 100 User Fee. Checks or cash should be delivered/mailed as soon as possible to UDO. Checks should be made out to University District Organization. Mail to: 2231 North High Street, Room 200; Columbus, OH 43201. VIEW ROOM 100 CALENDAR ROOM 100 RESERVATION FORM Room 100 Reservations Organization Details: Organization * University District Organization University Area Commission University Community Association ARTSpace Rardin Family Clinic OSU Family Medicine Other (please list below) Organization (if other) Organization Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Organization Website Not-for-profit community organization? Yes No Contacts: Contact Person #1 * First Name Last Name Contact Person #1 Email * Contact Person #1 Phone * (###) ### #### Contact Person #2 First Name Last Name Contact Person #2 Email Contact Person #2 Phone (###) ### #### Reservation Details: Requested Dates & Times * Purpose of Gathering * Number of Persons Expected * Type of Meeting * Public Welcome Private Meeting User Fee * No Fee Required (Rardin, Family Med, U-Groups, ARTSpace) $20 - Single Use I have read and will abide by the Room 100 User Agreement * Room 100 users must abide by the following User Terms & Conditions set by the University District Organization: 1. For user indemnification and responsibilities see User’s Indemnification and User’s Responsibilities sections below. 2. Smoking and inappropriate illegal behavior are prohibited. 3. Placing posters, placards, and/or other materials on the walls is prohibited. 4. The user must return Room 100 to its original condition, including disposing of all trash in the dumpster, located in the parking lot behind the Northwood-High Building. Tables should be arranged in a “U” configuration facing the counter with chairs neatly placed around the outside and inside portions of the “U”. Excess chairs should be carefully placed around the perimeter of the room so as not to damage the artwork or art panels. 5. The user is responsible for any additional clean-up, damage, and/or repair costs not included in the non-refundable fee that is necessary as a result of its use of Room 100. 7. Room 100 is equipped with tables, chairs, lectern, and a roll down screen. No other equipment, such as overhead projectors, coffee pots, dishware, and the like are available. 8. Room 100 shall not be used by for-profit organizations or individuals that would profit from its use. Users may not charge a fee except for organization dues and/or costs associated with the Room 100 reservation fee. 9. Room 100 also doubles as an art gallery known as ARTSpace and a community event room. There are several permanent installations in the room. These are the property of the UDO. Please do not touch or move them. Please keep all chairs and tables away from the walls to avoid damage. 10. Community offices are operating in the loft above Room 100. Please be conscious of your noise level. 11. Any supplies in the drawers near the sink are the property of the UDO and others – please do not use them. Please bring whatever you need with you and remove it from Room 100 when you leave. 12. The University District Organization reserves the right to change Room 100 User Terms & Conditions without notice. It also reserves the right to deny use of Room 100 and terminate any existing reservations without justification. 13. This contract is valid upon payment of the appropriate, non-refundable reservation fee. Make all checks payable to: University District Organization. USER’S INDEMNIFICATION Individuals, organizations, and all other entities using the space identified as Room 100, located at 2231 N. High Street, (the USER) on a scheduled or interim basis shall indemnify and save and hold harmless the UDO, the building owner, and its officers, agents and employees from and against any and all loss, liability, damage, cost and expense, including but not limited to reasonable attorney fees, for injury, death, loss or damage of whatever nature to any person, property or any other claim by the USER or its officers, agents, customers, licensees, invitees or any other person, firm or corporation resulting from the USERS occupancy or use of the premises. In the event that any action or proceeding is instituted against the USER by any reason of any such claim or event, User shall resist and defend such action or proceeding at USERS sole cost and expense or cause it to be resisted and defended by an insurer. Notwithstanding the above indemnification, USERS that fail to, or choose not to, shall provide for the following responsibilities: USER’S RESPONSIBILITIES Individuals, organizations and all other entities using the space identified as Room 100, 2231 N. High Street, (the USER) on a scheduled or interim basis shall, at their sole cost and expense, carry and maintain for the itself, UDO and the building owner, a policy of fire and extended coverage insurance insuring all fixtures, furnishings, equipment, inventory and personal property at any time located upon the premises and all additions, alterations and improvements to the same, against damage and destruction by all causes generally insured against in policies of fire and extended coverage insurance written upon on properties in Franklin County, Ohio in the amount of 80% of the full insurable value thereof, as determined by the insurance company issuing such policies of insurance. Users of the space will indemnify UDO and the building owner for all monies which any subrogation hereunder becomes entitled and cost of reasonable attorney’s fees of any claim for subrogation. USERS of the space shall, at its sole cost and expense, carry and maintain, for the mutual benefit of itself, UDO, and the building owner, a policy of general liability insurance against claims for personal injuries, wrongful death of property damage occurring on or about the premises with minimum amount of coverage of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) on account of bodily injury and/or death of persons and/or account of damage to property. Yes Thank you for using the Room 100 online request form. Your reservation will not be finalized until you receive a confirmation email from you need to make changes to your reservation, please use the email above or call 614-610-4546 ext. 100. Room 100 User Fee Room amenities include:(8) 2'-8" x 6' rectangular conference tables(9) 1'-6" x 6' rectangular banquet tables(1) 3' x 3' square table(1) LecternSeating for 40 individualsProjection screen (you must bring your own projector)Sink and counter space (sorry, there is no full service kitchen available at the Northwood-High Building)Parking:The Northwood-High Building has off-street parking located to the rear of the building and accessed from Northwood Avenue. Visitors should park in spaces marked "R" Reserved, Rardin Clinic Only for community meetings. Visitors do not need to pay or use the pay station. On-street parking is available (both metered and non-metered) but please be aware of all signs marking parking restrictions and enforcement of meters.Doors Locked?:If you have a confirmed Room 100 reservation and you find the doors locked to the Northwood-High Building after business hours, please call OSU Service2Facilities at 614-292-4357.