room 100

Room 100 is a meeting space available for University District neighborhood civic associations and office tenants of the Northwood-High Building.
New reservation policies are in place after January 1, 2020. Please refer to the updated terms.

Room 100 is open for reservations.

Before completing and submitting the electronic form below, please consult the Room 100 Calendar for availability and read the section below describing when Room 100 is available. If you would prefer, you can download and print an application to submit with your check. Please also refer to this document for the Room 100 User Agreement.

User fees can be paid online through this link: Room 100 User Fee. Checks or cash should be delivered/mailed as soon as possible to UDO.  Checks should be made out to University District Organization.  Mail to: 2231 North High Street, Room 200; Columbus, OH 43201.

Room amenities include:

  • (8) 2'-8" x 6' rectangular conference tables

  • (9) 1'-6" x 6' rectangular banquet tables

  • (1) 3' x 3' square table

  • (1) Lectern

  • Seating for 40 individuals

  • Projection screen (you must bring your own projector)

  • Sink and counter space (sorry, there is no full service kitchen available at the Northwood-High Building)


The Northwood-High Building has off-street parking located to the rear of the building and accessed from Northwood Avenue. Visitors should park in spaces marked "R" Reserved, Rardin Clinic Only for community meetings. Visitors do not need to pay or use the pay station.  On-street parking is available (both metered and non-metered) but please be aware of all signs marking parking restrictions and enforcement of meters.

Doors Locked?:

If you have a confirmed Room 100 reservation and you find the doors locked to the Northwood-High Building after business hours, please call OSU Service2Facilities at 614-292-4357.