New Mural by Adam Hernandez
Thanks to the financial support of the Greater Columbus Arts Council we were able to collaborate with local muralist, Adam Hernandez, on a piece in the University District Special Improvement District.
Collaboration, Creativity & a Grant
The wall in question is located at the corner of North High Street and West 8th Ave (attached to the beloved little dive bar Village Idiot) and is the target of constant graffiti and is in need of beautification.
In an effort to deter this vandalism, and with the support of the Village Idiot property owners, we applied for a mural assistance grant from GCAC to create more public art in the district.
In May we were informed (and thrilled) to be awarded this grant! It meant the chance to make a new pubic art mural in Columbus all while elevating a local artist and bringing new life to an otherwise boring wall.
The property owners of Village Idiot were super gracious and gave artist, Adam Hernandez, complete creative freedom transform this wall.
We knew this wall needed an upgrade, but what Adam created is something more than just a pretty mural — it brings energy into the neighborhood.
Even with the current construction happening at 8th and High, the bright colors pop out catching your eye and draws you into its presence. It’s aptly named “Portal of Perception No.1: Freckled Dragon King of the 13 Eyes.” This is a representation of a Vejigante which is a Godmask worn in Puerto Rico in ancient rituals.
This is the first in this new series, and although not explicitly related, we love that there is an element of 13 — perhaps to represent the 13 diverse neighborhoods of the University District.
Make sure you check out this new mural:
Portal of Perception No. 1: Freckled Dragon King of the 13 Eyes
“Portal of Perception No. 1: Freckled Dragon King of the 13 Eyes" is the first in a new series of murals featuring one of my signature Godmasks inspired by my Puerto Rican heritage. They are mystical and referential to masks worn by priests and shamans in ancient rites and ceremonies. They are worn to channel a spirit or deity, or perhaps convey some of their power. Specifically, I have recently been exploring and reinterpreting Vejigantes, which are celebratory masks worn in Puerto Rico.
-Adam Hernandez, June 2023
The fierceness of the Godmasks is a direct reaction to my dealings with anxiety and depression for most of my life. They are meant to personify attitudes and mentalities we can adorn when dealing with the things we struggle with most. They are encouragement that we can roar at the hindrances and obstacles in our lives and overcome them. -Adam Hernandez, June 2023
For more on the mural including progress photos check out this page:
If you’re a business in the University District interested in public art, including but not limited to murals, please reach out!