
NECKO is actually an acronym describing all of the streets in the neighborhoods:
Neil. Eighth. Cannon. King. Olentangy.
about necko
NECKO is an acronym for the Neil-Eighth-Cannon-King Organization, founded in 1979 to preserve and protect the neighborhood. It is part of the Near North National Register of Historic Places, along with Dennison Place, Victorian Village, and Italian Village. NECKO residences range from elaborate prestigious homes to simpler classical dwellings. Built between 1890 and 1920, the dwellings reflect the diversity of residents that lived there – middle class families, small business owners, and college professors. It is now home to families, students, and retirees and is directly adjacent to both The Ohio State University and Battelle Memorial Institute.
Over one hundred original homes and its brick streets remain intact, serving as a locally recognized example of an early 20th century residential neighborhood. With a variety of architectural styles, it is rich in Victorian embellishments, inviting front porches, landscaped gardens, and tree-lined streets. NECKO has worked closely with The Ohio State University to ensure that the neighborhood will continue to retain its charm for many decades to come.