can fairy

It’s simple: we want to beautify our community by making it cleaner, safer and more sustainable. Nobody wants to see trash scattered about in lawns and it’s unfair to expect someone else to clean it up. Instead, the Can Fairy Curbside Recycling program asks to fill the box, not the lawn — help better our neighborhood while preventing pollution.

Plus, participants get a chance to win Hangover Easy gift cards every week!

We have 23 weeks of collections so far!

fill the box, not the lawn.

fill the box, not the lawn.

Join the Can Fairy Curbside Recycling Program to make the off campus neighborhoods sustainable, clean, and safe.

Sign up to fill the box, not your lawn

How it works: Sign-up. We will deliver your recycle box. You fill it up and set it out on Monday morning & we will pick it up!

When: Collections happen every week on Mondays!

Why: Helps beautify our neighborhood and it prevents pollution from getting into our waterways

Bonus: Each week you'll get a chance to win a Hangover Easy gift card!

Funded/Partially Funded by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency

Who is eligible?

Anyone who lives on Chitt, 12h, 13th, 14th, 15th, or 16th Avenues between Pearl and Summit.

  • First — you’re saving the turtles.

    Second — every time you have a clean collection (aka not filled with over 30% red solo cups. food waste, or other non-recyclable items) you get a chance at a Hangover Easy gift card!

  • Anyone living between 11th Avenue and Lane Avenue east of High Street

  • Our Can Fairies — duh.

    We have a team of 2 dedicated Can Fairy Stewards, Art and Jaylen, that perform the collection every Monday. They are paid $20/hour + benefits!

    More specifically, the funding from the Ohio EPA grant created a special project within our University District Special Improvement District Stewards team for your collection services!

    1. Sign up

    2. Your box is delivered

    3. Fill the box, not your lawn and start recycling

    4. We pick it up on Monday

    5. Find out if you won a gift card

    6. Repeat

  • We go to a recycle drop off location through our partnership with the City of Columbus and SWACO.

  • Anything below 30% contamination is a bag of recycling we can collect. That means less than 30% of the recycling has red solo cups, used paper towels, plastic bags, food utensils, and other non-recyclable materials.

  • Thanks to the Ohio EPA and a matching grant from Ohio State we are able to implement this pilot program.