Monthly meeting for the University Area Commission.
Full Commission meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every month starting at 6:30 pm
Things to know:
University Area Commission meetings are open to the public. Please note the rules below if you want an opportunity to speak during the public comment period of a Commission meeting (speaker slips are not required at the meetings of individual committees).
Rules for Addressing the Commission
The following rules shall apply to the general public when they wish to speak before Commission at a scheduled Commission meeting:
Speakers slips must be filled out completely including name; address; organization; description of item to be addressed; whether the individual will be speaking for or against the item; subject if non-agenda. Download a speaker slip and email to Doreen Uhas-Sauer:
[This information not relevant while meetings are virtual] Speaker slips must be delivered personally by the individual wishing to speak on the day of the meeting prior to 6:30 along with any materials to be distributed and/or filed with the Commission. The Commission will not entertain incomplete speaker slips.
The Commission encourages individuals to submit written testimony and/or contact the appropriate committee chairperson in advance to discuss their concerns.
Individuals are not permitted to complete multiple slips for others who wish to speak and commission members are not permitted to complete speaker slips over the telephone for members of the public wishing to speak.